(pour la version française, voir ici)
The 61st Symposium of the « Centre européen d’études bourguignonnes » will take place on 24-27 September 2020 at Enghien (Hainault, Belgium), in the old castle-stables founded by the Arenberg family. Its theme will be the presence, the cohabitation and the representations of animals – tame, wild, exotic or imaginary – in the course of the 14th to 16th centuries. One can, for example, think of horses and their place in social and military life, breeding practices, domestic animals, zoological collections, hunting, fishing, so called varmint (rats, wolves), real or imaginary animals in iconography, heraldic representations, bestiaries, encyclopaedias, popular culture or symbolic meanings. The place of man and beast within their ordinary environment or outside of it offers a fascinating point of view put in the spotlight by research over the last years.
Anyone who would like to propose a paper (or who would simply want more information) should contact Alain Marchandisse, general secretary of the CEEB (alain.marchandisse@uliege.be), with a title and a short summary (5 to 10 lines) of the proposed paper. Deadline: 18 January 2020. The list of the papers selected by the CEEB committee will be established in February and all candidates will be informed of the decision.